Do Everything Free
Okay, maybe not everything. But in a crunch, when things are tight, do every single thing you can with the resources you already have.
My temptation is to seek out new opportunities, bypassing all the options I have on hand. But what free things could I do today with people and processes right here?
One of the best business techniques for discerning any organizational situation is the SWOT analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. I’m quick to look outside my realm without really observing my strengths and opportunities.
How can I respond to a difficult situation?
Say thank you
Learn someone’s name
Learn everyone’s name
Write an encouraging card
Someone had a loss. Check in on how they’re doing.
Send an email
Notice what is going right
In an effort to seek out the new customers, don’t overlook the customers you have.
In an effort to seek out the new customers, don’t overlook the staff you already have.
Think about your limited resources: time, energy, money. In the face of scarcity, do the things that are “free” that you have. It takes far more effort to locate more people and capital than it does to just use what you have. Free doesn’t feel fancy, and it might not be the total answer. But it might be a great place to start.