There is No Week 16
I've spent my whole adult life as a university professor. Profs get a bad rap for not working in the summers (though that's quickly disappearing). Once a semester begins, it's fast and furious until finals in week 16. For the longest time, I would think, "When I get past finals week, I can finally relax. Once grades are turned in, I can rest and I will be happy." But this conditional mindset left me ragged and unable to rest. I conditioned myself to rest later. Always a little later.
The Conditions
I have this logic going on in my head, these conditions that have to be right for me to rest:
If A=B
And B=C
Then A=C
If the house is clean, I will be happy
BUT, the house is not clean
Therefore I cannot be happy
I can rest when:
-grades are turned in
-the house is clean
-my kids clean their rooms
-I have a new house
-when I get that new car
-when I complete my degree
-when I get that new job
-when I move
-when the weather changes
-when politics are more in order (good luck with this one)
-when I'm more in shape
-when I eat better
-when I'm holier
-when the Dallas Cowboys win
Happiness Later?
But rest and happiness and thankfulness can't be on the other side of one of these conditions. What is that one (or maybe a thousand things) thing out there that you think: When I get here, I'll be happy?
I believe in God's will. I'm a Jesus follower who believes that the Lord establishes so many of our footsteps. He has a plan that He's carrying out. But if I serve a God where His will is anything but today, it's utter and complete tyranny. It's like Joe's Crab Shack, "free crab tomorrow." If you can make it to tomorrow, you can be truly happy. But tomorrow never quite gets here.
Happiness, contentment, and serenity must have immediacy to them. It must be attainable today, or else it is utter tyranny. If happiness is always somewhere else, it is unattainable. The spiritual tools of: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" must be at hand and in the toolbox or else they're just cruel.
If they're tools to be used at a later date, a date that comes with terms and conditions, these tools are crushing impossibilities. Shawn Achor's work on happiness is incredibly wise and freeing. Check out his TED Talk. (Plus, he's so funny and his sister is a unicorn.)
What have you been holding out in front of you as a condition for happiness and rest?
What if your future is:
A future without qualifiers to happiness.
A future where you'll be more pleasant and more creative. A future where you won't hold conditions over yourself or over your spouse or kids.
Happiness is Right Now
Today is a great day to leave your conditions. There is no Week 16.